Life is often made up of simple occasions which, if taken on the fly, can completely change the course of your existence and of those close to you !!
In early childhood, the countryside was play and fun: I remember the days spent picking grapes during the harvest or the trucks full of citrus fruit crates that trudged along the roads of our dusty and sunburned Calabrian countryside.
In adolescence, however, it was a burden: my father who was trying to involve me by making me aware of the problems and benefits deriving from citrus cultivation, while I bit the brake in search of the right moment to escape to the sea, behind a balloon, or ride my vespone in complete freedom and sweet company.
Without my realizing it, my maturity has arrived, understood as age, and the difficulties of managing a legacy that was certainly cumbersome, made up of oranges, lemons, olive trees that no longer performed as my father had foreseen.
And then there was this green fruit, which I tasted and rejected, with a flavor so distant as to make it unwelcome that it grew in one of our lands, a bit abandoned because it was not understood by the market, the result of a fatherly bet apparently lost but persevered and strongly desired. Nobody knew it, nobody liked it, it was rough, exotic and not very Mediterranean.
If my father had had the Internet, Facebook and company at his disposal, he would have been able to win this bet right away, but the early 80s were the years in which private TVs were born and advertising no longer included the "Caroselli". evening, after which all the children go to bed.
And then my father, if you think about it, it was anything but "technological"!
Why am I telling you all this?
Because I think the time has come to try, also on my part, to realize a dream that started a long time ago and that will find complete fulfillment in the future, perhaps thanks to the work of those who now think only of electronic games, rap music or social networks .
This site is the first step of a not easy journey, in a period that could not have been more difficult, but which, if caught on the fly and exploited, can give the right weight and the right order to things.
I see my future as full of commitments, as always, but with a goal.
I'm a stubborn type, so I'll join him.

Senza che me ne accorgessi è arrivata la mia maturità, intesa come età, e le difficoltà di gestire una eredità sicuramente ingombrante, fatta di arance, limoni, olivi che non rendevano più come mio padre mi aveva prospettato.
E poi c'era questo frutto verde, da me assaggiato e rifiutato, dal sapore così lontano da rendermelo sgradito che cresceva in uno dei nostri terreni, un po abbandonato perchè non capito dal mercato, figlio di una scommessa paterna apparentemente perduta ma perseverata e fortemente voluta. Nessuno lo conosceva, nessuno lo apprezzava, era rugoso, esotico e poco mediterraneo.
Se mio padre avesse avuto a disposizione Internet, Facebook e compagnia bella, sarebbe riuscito a vincerla subito questa scommessa, ma i primi anni '80 erano gli anni in cui nascevano le TV private e la pubblicità soltanto da poco non prevedeva più i “Caroselli" serali, dopo dei quali tutti i bimbi a nanna.
E poi mio padre, a pensarci bene, era tutto tranne che “tecnologico”!
Perché vi racconto tutto questo?
Perché penso sia arrivato il momento di provare, anche da parte mia, a realizzare un sogno partito tanto tempo fa e che troverà completa realizzazione nel futuro, magari grazie all'opera di coloro che per adesso pensano solo a giochi elettronici, musica rap o social network.
Questo sito è il primo passo di un cammino non facile, in un periodo che più difficile non poteva essere, ma che, se colto al volo e valorizzato, può dare il giusto peso ed il giusto ordine alle cose.
Il mio futuro lo vedo pieno di impegni, come sempre, ma con un obiettivo certo.
Sono un tipo caparbio, per cui lo raggiungerò.